Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Commons

I began responding to a Facebook status regarding the uncommon nature of common sense, when I realized that I didn't know this girl well enough to delve into a full argument. So I have come here to blog about it.

Common sense is simply the more common form of any multitude of senses. For example, some common uncommon senses would be Spider-man's Spidey Sense, or M. Night Shyamalan's The Sixth Sense. As Deadpool, seen here, so neatly illustrates, the occurrence of common sense is a notable event.

Let us compare common sense to another "common" occurrence: the common cold. Though we do not spend a particularly large portion of our lives afflicted by the common cold, it is nonetheless common. If you are a non-believer of Spidey Senses and Sixth Senses, then I now ask you to name an uncommon cold.


That's right, you can't. There's no such thing. So, common sense is much like the common cold, and strikes with somewhat rarity. The lack of sense in people is like their lack of viral infection.

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