Friday, July 31, 2009


I think the word is lost on many people. We think of Independence Day, both the film and the actual day, we think of freedom, we think of liberty... but none of these things actually have to do with independence.

Let's take a look at the word: In-, the prefix that negates the following: -dependence, as in being dependent. Those are pretty awful definitions, but you can see my point. Independence is not about telling people to fuck off because you can do what you please. Independence Day is about fighting off tyranny and oppression or some shit like that. For Americans, this is about beating the bad guys and standing up for what's right. For people who know the meaning of the word "independence" it is about no longer being dependent on another party to help you function.

To this respect, there is no Independence Day. It is a false holiday. America gained its sovereignty, but it is largely dependent on even more of the world than when it started as a colony. So the next time you think about blowing something up to symbolize your nation's "independence" ask yourself just what part of China those fireworks came from.

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