Saturday, March 27, 2010

Race and Racism

Okay, I'm sick to fucking death of this. I found this picture on the internet and it's supposed to be hilarious.
Okay, seriously, guys. "There's no race but the human race" is fucking bullshit! Does no one else realize this? It's a system of description! When you use it to be prejudicial, it's racism, and that's bad. But when it's a fucking question on the census, it's just a question! If the census asked you what type of hair you had, you wouldn't say "I have hair! The only hair is hair! It doesn't matter what kind of hair we have, we're all equals!"

No one is denying that you're equal! They're just trying to describe you! And don't say that no one gets judged by their hair. We all know the stereotype that blondes have more fun, or that blondes are dumb, just as well as we know the stereotypes about black people being good at sports, or having an affinity for robbing liquor stores. But some people just have to get all uppity about describing someone as "black" but have no problem with calling someone "blonde". I know what you're thinking: we have the power to change our hair colour.
  1. Hair dye doesn't change who you are,
  2. Michael Jackson
And we all think that guy was messed up for trying to become white, not because he couldn't be white, but because he didn't need to be white. Therefore, race isn't a problem; it is, like I have said, a descriptor.

If you don't like the use of "race" to describe the colour of a person's skin or their ancestry, then fight the semantics. But I dare you to come up with a term as brief and succinct as "race" to describe what a person looks like and where they have descended from.

1 comment:

  1. See Alex, now you're making that sense again. You have to stop that, people don't like it.
