Friday, May 15, 2009

I've figured it out

Here's the plan:

- Move to a new city
- Reinvent self as non-committal
- Meet nice girl
- Fool her completely into thinking I hate commitment
- Pull a fast one on her and reveal that I want to be committed to her
- Let girl believe that she changed me
- Live happily ever after

Girls, seriously, why should I have to trick you into understanding that I'm a nice guy? Admit it. A guy goes from being non-committal to only wanting to be with you and you think he's amazing and sweet and loving and caring. But as soon as a guy even suggest that he likes commitment you're immediately repulsed!

I've tried being casual. I've tried saying "you know what, whatever happens happens." But when a girl stands up through all of that and is impossible to take your attention off of through not active fault of her own, isn't that a sign that she is special? Isn't that the human version of my storybook plan?

I wish things worked like how they do in the stories. Like "I like you, you like me, let's be together." That was always my favourite story. All the trials in between were created by the union, sure, but they were all solved by devotion and commitment to it. And in the end, everything was always better than before.

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