Monday, November 9, 2009

Relationship House

Relationships are like houses. At first they are new and exciting. You develop them and explore them and fantasize about all the big plans you have for them. You talk about it and share it with the world. And eventually two types of people can develop.

One type of person always wants something new and exciting. They want bright colours all the time and new furniture. These people like to keep things tucked away in their place, either to only be seen when used, or to be forgotten entirely.

The other type of person has lived-in the house. They want things to be comfortable and hate to throw things away. Trinkets of memory and self expression litter any and every unused surface, exposed in the context of the house.

The second person wants to stay in that old house forever. They will try to take it with them even when it is condemned and demolished; even something as plain as a doorknob has meaning and value.

The first person wants a bigger house, like the ones you see on TV. They want lots of open/empty space to show their friends how much better their house is.

Regardless of the house, home is where the heart is.


  1. i need your honest opinion. can two people who value each different house be happy together?

  2. I'm always stuck sleeping out in the garage...
