Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Geothermal Power

It occurred to me in the cold heights of my bathroom (where someone saw fit to leave the window open throughout a snowstorm) that geothermal power is a really, really, really, dumb idea.

"B-but it doesn't create any pollutants! It's natural! It's eco-friendly, man," one might retort.

Those are all good points. Except the last one. The last one is as short sighted as many eco-geeks are. I will now guide you through the reasoning why making ventures in geothermal power is a bad fucking idea.

  1. The Earth was created well over 4 billion years ago. (Argue. I dare you.)
  2. When the Earth was created, it was very rather warm.
  3. The Earth today is rather cool in comparison, however the centre is still molten hot.
  4. The molten hot centre is made of iron which, while moving, creates a magnetic field.
  5. This magnetic field shields the Earth from many of the Sun's rays that are harmful to living things both directly and indirectly.
  6. Recall the previous data: Earth was hot, but cooled. The centre of the Earth is hot. If we extrapolate this data we can predict that the centre of the Earth will cool.
  7. Recall point 4. If the centre of the Earth cools, it stops being molten. If it stops being molten, it stops moving. If it stops moving, it stops creating a magnetic field.
  8. Recall point 5. If there is no protective magnetic field around the Earth, then the harmful rays from the Sun will reach the surface.
  9. This is the most important point. You and the majority of the living things you want to be eco-friendly towards live on the surface of the Earth.
So tell me, why exactly do we think it's a good idea to punch holes into the surface of the Earth and vent out all the heat? Because it's such a huge source of energy that we'll never use it all? Yeah, you said that about fossil fuels.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

People I Hate Part 7



Saturday, April 10, 2010

People I Hate Part 6

People who think that something is the greatest thing ever every couple of months.

"Oh man, I want to play Warcraft so bad! Let's spend some money, move to a new server, join a guild, do some raids and generally be awesome! I'll make a schedule and we can play all the time and in no way will I ever bail for no good reason! I know I can afford it for reals this time!"

"Guys, we all have to buy Little Big Planet and make a new level every week and we'll all play together and be part of this big online community and people will love us and our levels will be awesome and we won't even have to hang out for reals because we have the internet!"

"The fixed Warcraft, so we all need to play again, and it'll be great and we can play all the old content again, but it'll be new, and we can make new characters and get into raids with our old characters and I promise I have time to play now and I'll save money by playing Warcraft instead of not playing and it's the greatest game ever and you know it and let's all play right now so I can find it boring, repetitive, expensive and broken again in a couple of months! C'mon, guys! Play, god damn it!"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

People I Hate Part 5

People who say "Ciao!"

Go fuck yourselves.

You're not Italian, and you sure as shit don't actually speak fucking Italian, so get off your high horse, tone down the pomposity, and stop acting like you're so fucking worldly because you say goodbye the way the Italians do!

After a little wiki-research I have found that a number of cultures use a similar sounding word to say goodbye, but it still doesn't make you fucking worldly! Just because you've been somewhere doesn't mean you're suddenly a part of that culture. You're still a North American, and your still an asshole.

In fact, the part that makes you an asshole is that everybody fucking does it. "Ciao" is so prevalent in our society that some sources would say that the word has been adopted into the English language, and that pisses me off.

I'm not afraid to be proud and say that we have a culture! We have a great number and variety of ways to say goodbye! We say goodbye, later, see ya, so long, talk to you later, peace, catch you on the flip side, and an incredible variety of deviations within that small list (see "catch you on the flippy floppy"). Ciao is not our word.

And if you are going to steal a parting phrase from another language, then pick something original! If someone said "auf wiedersehen" before they hung up, I'd let it go. I might even find the novelty entertaining! But seriously, "Ciao" has about as much novelty as Nicholas Cage.

I fucking bet Nick Cage says "ciao."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

People I Hate Part 4

(see People I Hate 1, 2, and 3)
People who can't wait 3 minutes for an IM response.

I'm fucking busy! Christ, it's not like I'm online just waiting to talk to you. I'm not just sitting idle hoping that someone out there will entertain me. I'm doing something! Don't ask me a fucking question and then take off because my response wasn't immediate.

And, yes, if I haven't responded in more than a half hour, I've forgotten about you! The conversation wasn't that engaging (because, like I have mentioned, I'm doing something else that is engaging), and/or I didn't get the notice that you said something new.