"B-but it doesn't create any pollutants! It's natural! It's eco-friendly, man," one might retort.
Those are all good points. Except the last one. The last one is as short sighted as many eco-geeks are. I will now guide you through the reasoning why making ventures in geothermal power is a bad fucking idea.
- The Earth was created well over 4 billion years ago. (Argue. I dare you.)
- When the Earth was created, it was very rather warm.
- The Earth today is rather cool in comparison, however the centre is still molten hot.
- The molten hot centre is made of iron which, while moving, creates a magnetic field.
- This magnetic field shields the Earth from many of the Sun's rays that are harmful to living things both directly and indirectly.
- Recall the previous data: Earth was hot, but cooled. The centre of the Earth is hot. If we extrapolate this data we can predict that the centre of the Earth will cool.
- Recall point 4. If the centre of the Earth cools, it stops being molten. If it stops being molten, it stops moving. If it stops moving, it stops creating a magnetic field.
- Recall point 5. If there is no protective magnetic field around the Earth, then the harmful rays from the Sun will reach the surface.
- This is the most important point. You and the majority of the living things you want to be eco-friendly towards live on the surface of the Earth.