Friday, January 30, 2009

I understand now!

I don't know how it took me so long to associate these two things, but it seems to me a perfect comparison.

I am an expressive vegetarian.

I feel sorry for those guys now. It's really not easy. People always giving you that look, everyone always saying "it's natural." It's bullshit is what it is.

Sorry, that was out of line. But it's ridiculous to assume that there is a natural human program.

Dancing. Why does everyone have to dance? Why does everyone have to want to dance? I understand it is an expression and I understand that it's healthy; physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. But so is meat! With all its iron and protein and tasty, tasty glory. But there are other ways to get all of those things without meat, just like there are other ways to enjoy life without dancing.

Here's an example. You like baked potatoes, right? And peas and carrots and green beans and a thick slice of tomato with cheese melted on? You like creamy mushroom bearnaise sauce, don't you? Of course you do (if you don't, quit reading my blog. Just kidding, keep reading). So what does it matter that there is chicken on your plate instead of steak (other than, I suppose, the bearnaise, which could easily be replaced by another equally delicious white sauce)?

I know I ridiculed people who didn't like what I like earlier, but I'm making a point. Once is fine. But to hold it against someone is completely different. Another example: you're clearly not human if you don't like ska. Everyone likes ska. It's the most agreeable music ever. But when someone says they don't like it, you don't ostracize them. You ask, "Really?" Maybe you add a few comments about what you like about ska, but you always finish with, "well, what do you listen to then?"

Now, before I move on to my next segment, I want to make sure we're all clear here. I don't like to dance. I have big feet, gangly limbs, no rhythm, and am poor at linear improvisation. When I fuck up dancing, the fuck up is nonunfuckuppable. Now, this is not to say that I don't like dance itself. Dancing is pretty. It's like any art form. I can view it, but I can't do it. And I've tried. I played piano for 4 years, spent 4 years in art school, and I've tried dancing. Not only do I suck, but I don't enjoy it. In fact, even if I was good, I would only do it to fit in. But that's not to say that you shouldn't dance. Please dance. I want you to dance. I want to see you dance like I want to hear you sing or look at everything you draw. I don't want you to think I'm on the outside. I'm right here.

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