Monday, March 9, 2009

Loblaws Hates America

Well, Canada, too. Down at the booze-office we've had our hours cut substantially due to the recession. Though I can't help but notice that rather than people buying less food and alcohol, they are actually buying more. The store is busier than ever. This is because middle aged people with real jobs understand that they might not be making as much and so food is more necessary than other things (the booze helps to forget).
I also went to the movies the other day. The Watchmen. Friday night. Opening weekend. Half a theatre. HALF! There hasn't been a movie worth seeing in 3 months and only half a theatre can be bothered to go see this one?
It is, you see, young people who go to see movies. It is young people who spend their money on on frivolous entertainment; the very foundation of the American economy. These young people work for The Man who is tightening his belt to keep his pants up against the weight of his wallet.

Loblaws can obviously afford to pay us more, but corporate greed keeps the money concentrated in a small few's hands. This is why we're in a recession. It's ironic how big business is the thing which America prides itself the most on while it simultaneously is the only thing that can bring it down.

So, dear Man, give the kids some money and restore the economy.

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