You may be thinking to yourself, "Jesus Christ, what does that kid eat?!"
My answer to that is "None of that shit!" I personally am amazed that I have avoided that much fat in a few short months. It's been a little under three months and I have avoided placing almost 3/4 of a litre of fat in my body. That's about a pound and a half.
That's actually a little misleading, isn't it. A pound and a half doesn't sound like that much, but when I think about trying to hide that jar under my shirt, I get grossed out. Imagine that inside my body! Fuck that, man.
If you think the idea of keeping a fat jar is gross, imagine two things. One: imagine that you didn't pour that out of your food, and you ate it instead. Or, Two: imagine that sitting in your drain pipe. You can't pour that shit down the sink! It's oil! It will not wash away! I only make such a fuss out of this because I've met people who ask me what the fuck I'm doing when I collect grease in a jar or a can or a disposable cup. Some people are just plain stupid.
We do the same thing, so much easier to throw out the jar than to clean a grease coverd sink.